Horace Mann vs. Riverdale college placement

I’ll also add that matriculation stats for anything prior to the last year or two are 100% irrelevant. Literally irrelevant. Three things have occurred- USC, a universal march towards equity, and the pandemic. All of those have put a stranglehold on historically affluent and “prestigous” private schools.

For the first time, Penn did not release legacy ED stats. Our GC has told students from our Westchester private school (one who was 36 ACT, double legacy, field hockey captain and recruited by D3, and who won regional poetry contests the last two years…not to mention her grandfather literally built a lab on campus a few years ago) that got deferred that it seems they are purposefully going out of their way to punish legacy- at least in ED.

The landscape has changed, is changing, and will change. Never, ever, ever, ever make a schooling decision for a 6th grader based on college matriculation stats. As a parent who believes very much in the education two of my children were and have been provided by a great private school, the prudent decision is still probably to sock away the $ spent on private school, send the kid to public and have them achieve wonderfully, and then simply give them that $ upon graduation as they build their career.