
<p>Hello guys,</p>

<p>I am currently attending Purdue University - West Lafayette. My major is Economics at Krannert School of Management.</p>

<p>This is my first semester at Purdue and first time being out of the East Coast - New York City which is where I came from.</p>

<p>I am pretty sure that my thread might instigate some anger amongst you Boiler Maker fans but...what can I say? This university is in serious need of improving its academic advisors. </p>

<p>I was supposed to attend New York University, however, my sister convinced me to study with her at Purdue. She told me, "why would you pay thousands of dollars for the same education? Come to Purdue! and we will stay at an apartment and save some money on housing!"</p>

<p>OK I was convinced. So I decided not to attend NYU and came to Purdue with my sister who also transferred out of Stevens Institute of Technology that is located in Hoboken, New Jersey about 10 minutes away from NYU by subway. </p>

<p>A nighmare started just as I arrived here. My sister ditched me and went in to Hawkins. She told me how sorry she feels about her decision and leaving me with absolutely no clue where to stay, but she is happy with her decision and she won't find for an apartment for us. So basically, I had to find a place to stay for myself which diverts 'big time' from what I've been expecting before coming here.</p>

<p>Luckily, I got in to Young Graduate House a week later. Until then, I was staying at my sister's boyfriend's apartment here in West Lafayette. </p>

<p>However things started to go badly right from the get-go. My advisor, Veronica Schirm quit her job as a counselor for the Econ students at Krannert. So basically, I had no academic advisor for 5 weeks!</p>

<p>I also had horrible experiences with registering for "correct" courses.</p>

<p>I have taken and successfully completed Calculus I which is geared towards business at New York University while I was still in high school about 2 years ago and received an A- mark. Nevertheless, Purdue won't accept my credits from New York University!</p>

<p>I was surprised, what the hell? Until my sister told me some facts about Purdue I had not heard about this place in my entire life. And I was sure that I was "down-grading" myself when coming to Purude University instead of New York University which is much more of a prestigious university than Purdue. I was shocked when I heard that my Calculus course which I earned an A- at New York University cannot be accepted.</p>

<p>So they put me in to Pre-Calculus course...MA 159. I did not attend that class for 4 weeks in the beginning. Guess what? The day when I was notified that I MUST attend MA 159, it was the day before the first examination.</p>

<p>I am not a super genius. Of course, I did not do well or at least not as well as I wanted to earn in Pre-Calculus which I completed when I was a Sophomore in high school!</p>

<p>I dropped that course and took an entomology class instead. Now my new advisor is Ms. Kay. She is very helpful. However there was another error in my schedule. ECON 251 and the entomology class overlap! </p>

<p>This wasn't the first time I had a schedule error. For the first two weeks at Purdue, I did NOT have schedule AT ALL! due to overlaps. I went to Jim, who is one of the counselors at Krannert, and he told me that he fixed the problem. But again, he surely fixed the problem of overlapping but he created another overlapping now with different courses. </p>

<p>By the time I saw an overlap error on Entomology and Econ251, I firmly decided to leave Purdue and head back to New York City.</p>

<p>I applied to Stevens Institute of Technology and New York University. </p>

<p>I am feeling very relieved for I got an acceptance letter from Stevens Institute of Technology. However I am still waiting to hear back from New York University. </p>

<p>I've had enough with Purdue and its terribly coordinated ane educated counselors.</p>

<p>Another thing. If you are not familiar with this environment...I mean...boondocks environment...if you are from big cities like New York...I am warning you...it's HELL. The most fun place to go is Wal-Mart I am telling you. And the people here are so goddamn boring and you will be surprised to see how poor these people live in Mid-West. I mean, a decent house costs less than $300,000!!!! My goddamn 3 bedroom apartment in New York costs $1.5 million. Do not come to Purdue if you don't want to become like these people...they have no future ahead of them...If you are from NYC, stay there, and don't make mistakes like I made. </p>

<p>God I am so happy to leave here. Good bye Purdue!</p>

<p>That’s an interesting story, but it must be taken with a FEW grains of salt I must say. I came from the west coast, Lake Tahoe, Nevada to be specific, and I came here for engineering. The engineering school here is one of the best in the nation, and likewise Krannert school f business is the same (as voted by The Wall Street Journal). </p>

<p>Granted I did not come from any congested utopian of activities (such as NY) but there was always a lot to do back home. JSLEE, I understand that you had a difficult situation to deal with, but do not let that situation ruin your collegiate experience. </p>

<p>Besides actually going to class, studying (which you should be doing since you are paying a lot of money out of state to come here), and socializing enough to meet some great people, you FAILED to get the best of your experience here. Most of the people you meet are in the same situation as far as moving away from what they had.</p>

<p>Readers please understand that the quality of life of those people who are unfortunate and live here in the Midwest should not lead you away from coming to this fine university. The campus is always bustling, is clean and ever growing, therefore why should a few shotty houses hurt.</p>

<p>As far as scheduling goes, you should have made sure everything was in line BEFORE you stepped on the campus. That was your mistake because the university does as much as possible to give assistance for scheduling problems. I didn’t even come here for day on campus and was still able to get all the classes I needed over the phone as well as transfer a number of AP credits. Managing 40000 students is a bit harder than SIT's 2000. </p>

<p>If the above letter has made you rethink your choice to attend Purdue, please reconsider. JSLESS, enjoy SIT. Purdue won’t miss the negativity.</p>

<p>Thanks for your post! :) I appreciate your reply CLRLAKE.</p>

<p>Purdue is surely a rising star in Mid West and its engineering programs are awesome as well as its pharmacy program.</p>

<p>Please understand that I applied to Purdue last minute and I did not have much interest in coming here. I must confess that my prejudice against "uknown" university has affected my general impression on Purdue. But I still do think that the university needs to train its counselors better.</p>

<p>Good luck to you guys on finals ;) Mine ends on Friday and I will be leaving on Saturday.</p>

<p>" I mean, a decent house costs less than $300,000!!!! My goddamn 3 bedroom apartment in New York costs $1.5 million."</p>

<p>Hahaha. This cracks me up.</p>

<p>The whole midwest is priced like that sir.</p>

<p>that was my point, don't "downgrade yourself" coming here ;)</p>

<p>Its cool man, you prolly weren't cut out for one of the best business/management schools in the country. Not everyone can make it. Good luck at NYU or whatever it is called?</p>

<p>"Do not come to Purdue if you don't want to become like these people...they have no future ahead of them..."</p>

<p>Close minded people have no future ahead of them. I would say stay positive and love your life, but you have a lot of negativity and seems you need to expand your mind before you go to any university. We all hope that when you get to corporate america, every person is exactly like you. Same height, skin color, age, ignorance level. You will then learn to open your mind and accept different people and backgrounds. It comes with maturity, but i am afraid there is no course, at any university, that teaches that.</p>

<p>"God I am so happy to leave here. Good bye Purdue!"</p>

<p>We are just as happy to see you leave.</p>

Take it easy on him. We all know the story of the country mouse and the city mouse. Not everyone from the city can handle the midwest and not everyone can live in the city.
I am from NJ (25 minute train from Manhattan) and attended Wash U in St. Louis and have my MBA from NYU (one of the best business schools in the world). The midwest experience was an eye opener for me too, but I didn't attend last minute and create scheduling and housing difficulties, which were the cause of jslee problems at Purdue. I had such a positive experience in the midwest that my S is trying to decide between Purdue, UIUC and U Wisc. as his primary choices for next fall.
Let jslee go back to NY, and hopefully for him, have a better experience. The main issue for all students, and especially prospective students (and Parents), is to be organized and carefully think over one's decisions. What I love about the cc community, is that it is great for helping us attain information. If we just jump and make decisions at the spur of the moment we can put ourselves into very difficult situation (i.e. jslee's predicament).</p>

<p>i dont even like purdue but this thread is ridiculous... im an ex-ny'er who moved to indiana and i love it. I also plan on attending college next year in ohio. Things will be screwed up no matter where you go if you go last minute and as far as the prices of houses go... any decent business student should understand that a lot of variables are different. Taxes are different, salaries are different, and a bunch of other things as well. Im a future biochem major and i even i know things that basic, if you didnt realize that prices would be lower in the midwest as compared to ny then i seriously suggest dropping out right now. And salaries are also relative.. for instance if the average income in your area is 50k and you make 120k then you are high income.. while in another area the avg income could be 300k and is your only making 120k then you are low income. Economy is based on a lot of things an its not fair to call someplace poor without taking everything into account. I can guarantee you that there are not very many poor ppl in the area purdue is located (central indiana)</p>

<p>and since when is purdue an "unknown" university?? it should be one of the first schools that popup for anyone considering biz no matter what area they live in</p>

<p>I was just trying to take his approach in talking about a situation. Take a negative and close minded approach. He could have had a horrible situation and talked about it without throwing his emotional or biased opinions in there. Just state the facts and the thread becomes a good thread. But unfortunately for us, the thread and post was filled with more emotion than fact and his closing comments were from his uneducation of life rather than his experience.</p>

<p>I will take it easy, providing he opens his mind.</p>

<p>Live (ENJOY) your own life the way you want. Don't base it on how others act.</p>

<p>very informative.. thanks.</p>

<p>Thank you jslee, finally, I've heard someone complain about the place and tell me some truth.</p>

<p>I know Purdue is a good school, but I'm glad jslee posted his insights on some of the drawbacks of his experiences in Indiana and Purdue</p>

<p>yeah, it has given me initiative to investigate</p>

<p>aka, visit them</p>

<p>and urbana champaign, since i got in there too</p>

<p>(both of their b-schools)</p>

<p>When I first read this, I started to feel sympathy for you, but when you ended it, I just lost all repsect.</p>

<p>Yeah the area's are two different places but you don't have to put it down because there living is cheaper. And what right to you have to call them "these people". They are just like everyone else. Maybe you could try growing up a little bit. That's pretty pathetic that you have to be told that by a senior in high school, when you probably are what, a sophomore in college.</p>

<p>This is exactly what I hate about many New Yorkers. Talk about an obnoxious attitude.</p>

<p>Hey guys,</p>

<p>I strongly feel that I've instigated some mess here.</p>

<p>Take it easy, I was just expressing my emotions and experiences at Purdue? You can criticize or whatever at me, I really don't care, and moreover, I welcome. The best thing about the Internet is that you are totally freed to do whatever you want - except, obviously, illegal activities set by the regulations and laws and so forth.</p>

<p>Anyway, I haven't visited this site for sometime. I've been busy moving back to New York and I spent almost a month in Hong Kong, China, and Russia. </p>

<p>Purdue is surely a different place. I live on the 38th floor of a luxury condo. And I guess, I was bit surprised by the 'average' life style of the Midwesterners. Don't get me wrong here. I am sure you would be surprised to see the Chinese in poor areas in China. Just have yourself in my shoes. </p>

<p>I maybe used some severely 'alerting' emotional words. But that's how I felt at that time.</p>

<p>As I wrote previously, Purdue's business major academic advisors need to be organized seriously. And also the huge number of students in a class might irritate you. But again, most of you are expecting such environment. Do more researches guys. I am telling you from my experience. I am sure you guys all have done, but the most important thing in researching schools I found is actually visiting each one of your choices, talking to the ones who are attending or have attended, and one very important thing -- when you visit, try to spend from the very morning till the very night if you can and live as if you are attending that university. Try to imagine yourself in the middle of the semester. On the first day, you might say "oh damn, the school looks cool. some pubs here and there, some book stores, libraries, over there i can take buses to the dining halls and stuff" but try to imagine doing this over and over and over and over everyday. Then you might find yourself in the most boring place ever or it could be the opposite or it seems just like you have always been in. </p>

<p>NOTE: Try to stay one day or two at the university or at least spend the whole day until late at night. Try to go places where you might be going to if you were attending there. Then try to imagine, "how would I feel if I do this over and over and over for the next 4 years of my life?" Get it?</p>

<p>This time I would like to post some good sides of Purdue.</p>

<p>I found this class very very helpful and when I think over about the instructor, I really must praise him. His name is Eric King. I took a CS course...which was required by the business department..I think it was "Organizational Computing Science" or something. The class material is really extremely well organized and Eric King will surely teach you every bit of what you need to know about basic Office softwares. </p>

<p>You might be saying, "well it's not like he teaches you C or C++ or Java or whatever, what's the big deal about the Office?" You will find so many things you did not know. And when I compare his class and his teachings to the CS class I attend right now, which is by the way very similar in terms of course materials, this class kicks ass. He is very detail oriented guy. You cannot afford to skip a lecture and most importantly, you really have to go to his recitation session. </p>

<p>You will find so many helpful tips on the Office products. Many of my friends have started their businesses from their Office skills. Many provide and build business applications with the products. And I am surprised that you can make big bucks by attending that course and doing well in that course. Whether or not you are planning to be an expert at the Office skills, you will find many helpful tips.</p>

<p>My time is running out so I will end it here today.</p>

<p>Good luck to you guys at Purdue</p>

<p>I must agree with jslee on his comment about the advisors. Although the faculty and TA's here are wonderful for the most part, I despise the academic advisors.</p>

<p>I came here from the East Coast (Maryland) and saw that things were different, too. However, what stood out as different was that people here were very friendly. Otherwise I was too busy to be bored.</p>

<p>I am a 2nd semester freshman in the pharmaceuticals program. My academic advisor was so inexperienced, she put me in the wrong statistics class during summer scheduling. I had to jump into the right statistics class 4 weeks into the semester. When I asked her why she didn't do her job right, she said, "It's part of my learning experience" WHAT?!!</p>

<p>After that, I lost respect for her, partly because also I was so mad that I was working like a dog to catch up all because of her mistake. She felt nervous about my coldness, so she switched me to another advisor. This guy is slightly better, but he was so lazy! He refused to help me instigate a spring professor change (when we were talking in December) and bluntly told me that if I wanted change it would be up to me to talk to the scheduling director and the professor. I'm thinking, Why am I paying to be mistreated? Plus, he dissed my academic decisions. I'm trying to study both specializations offered in the program (nobody's ever done that before, they all study one) and this guy says, "Why are you doing it? There's no benefit at all! Plus you'll have problems with scheduling. I do all the scheduling, and I'm not going to change the schedules of 160 students just because of you." Talk about discouraging effort instead of praising studiousness. </p>

<p>But that's probably because this guy's had the job for too long and has grown arrogant. I frankly don't care what the devil he says, I will learn all I can. And if you that's what you want, the professors and TA's around here will help you do just that. Just ignore the alchohol: many people around here consider it a staple food source.</p>

<p>I am glad that there is at least one person who had problems with advisors.</p>

<p>Advisors at Purdue could be some real *******s</p>

<p>Their answers lack information...(most of the information you already know, and they reiterate it everytime you come to his or her office) and they are general attitude is just...what the hell, i can't think of a word to describe but seriously, they are ignorant especially the ones of Krannert...the new ones and even the ones who were there long before...they are total idiots.</p>

<p>Are my words too harsh? maybe but what I had to go through was just horrible. and they are idiots who repeat the same information that is on the brochure to you every damn time you schedule a meeting. </p>

<p>And another thing, if you ever get to go to Krannert advisory office which many of you will (those of you entered Krannert program) will notice that the lady at the front desk is an idiot.</p>

<p>example: she tells me to sign in for my advisor. so I was doing it, and she told me, no don't...so i was like ok...she told me she will get the advisor for me since i don't got one (i didn't have an advisor for like 5 weeks)...i was waiting for 1 hour...she asks me then, who are you waiting for? </p>

<p>another example: my advisor, Ms. A. Kay, tells me to give her make up quizzes and she told the lady that I could just come in to the office and hand in. So I showed up, and told the front desk lady anyway that I am goign to see her and give it to her. she recognized me that Ms. Kay told her. So I went in. She comes to me and says, you cannot just enter, you need to sign in.</p>

<p>....just go figure out by yourself...it's just ridiculous</p>

<p>In Indiana they don't call them idiots they call themselves Hoosiers...........Whose you mama? They are a rare breed indeed.</p>