Hot Teacher= low AP passing rate

<p>I think all the AP teachers at my school are relatively old, so I have no idea. There are a few younger non-AP teachers though…</p>

<p>Anyway, all my AP teachers have kids or are my parents’ age. And the other ones I can think of are bald. =P</p>

<p>I lied. My honors English teacher last year (when they didn’t offer AP English to juniors) teaches AP now too and there were guys who thought she’s hot. Or pretty. Or whatever, I don’t know, I’m not them.
Most of our class did take the AP Eng. Language exam, though, and most people got 3s if that means anything to you? (yay, correlation ≠ causation! :D)</p>

<p>yup ap ■■■■</p>



<p>On the contrary, I do see a correlation every day =D</p>

<p>I thought my Art History teacher was very pretty, but I, like the majority of Art History students here, am a heterosexual female. She had such an excellent sense of style.</p>

<p>There’s a chem teacher everyone is in love with, maybe less so since he recently married and now has a child. He teaches sophomore chem, but he comes to visit us in AP sometimes, especially during labs. But he’s more, like, adorkable, than hot.</p>

<p>Ohhhh, my 7th grade Latin teacher was to die for. I totally forgot about that. OMG, was he hot. But obvi not AP.</p>

<p>All AP teachers at my school are relatively old and/or ugly. There probably are young/goodlooking AP teachers at my school, but theres too many teachers so idk.</p>

<p>The “hottest” teacher I have is probably my physics teacher since everyone thinks he’s hot. Too bad i don’t find him hot and i don’t hit on teachers, unless they’re 4 years or less older than me.</p>

<p>lucky ■■■■■■■. ALL my teachers are so ugly. </p>

<p>It kinda sucks since I have nothing to think about when I’m bored.</p>

<p>@OP: hahaha you have a hot teacher for human geo… how ironic lol</p>

<p>^it took me a while to get that and it was… humorous. Not funny but humorous.</p>

<p>I get it, but don’t find it humorous because what you say is human geo isn’t human geo…at all.</p>