Hot Teacher= low AP passing rate

<p>My Human Geo Teacher is unbelievably sexy..and has like the biggest tits ever and we can never concentrate and girls always set the curves I hate it but love it!
Hot teachers anyone?</p>

<p>nope. scary thoughts.</p>

are you for real?</p>

I have two young AP teachers.</p>

<p>Hahahaha. This is hilarious.</p>

<p>Thinking about it, all the AP teachers in my school are older</p>

<p>AP teachers are uuugly…all the new teachers are in normal classes
no wonder we do so well haha</p>

<p>No, though I’m into 14 and 15 year olds.</p>

<p>Even if I weren’t, still no.</p>

<p>ur so cool</p>

<p>Yeah, all the AP teachers in my school are guys over 40…besides like 1 or 2 classes. Next year, all but one of my classes will be taught by men, maybe all.</p>

<p>haha, that is awesome, I am really jealous! I would pick a hot teacher over an effective one most days of the week :P</p>


<p>What do you mean “biggest tits ever?” You mean you can see through his shirt? Lol?!!?! Erect all the time?</p>

<p>I find no correlation between attractiveness and my ability to learn.</p>

<p>Actually my english teacher always wears these stockings and lace stuff on her legs and it makes it distracting lol. I always stare at the floor when I zone out, so I end up looking at her legs. Hahaha not on purpose. And her class is very boring. I don’t learn anyting.</p>

<p>I find I learn better from an attractive teacher - I’m much more willing to concentrate.
However, I unfortunately have none this year. There are only a few hot teachers at my school.</p>

<p>I don’t think there are many hot teachers at my school… I certainly haven’t had any. BUT I know for a fact that should I have an attractive teacher, there’s no way I’d be able to pay attention in class. =/</p>

<p>how much does attractiveness contribute to reproductive success? and is it true we will slowly evolve into “attractive species” since this is becoming a beneficial trait?</p>

<p>^It’s 2010. Infant mortality isn’t a major problem in the 1st world. Infact, it’s not a major problem in the 2nd world either. Ugly people have kids just as easily as pretty.</p>

<p>And regardless, I don’t think “pretty” is inherited.</p>

<p>I’ve never been attracted to a teacher.</p>