Housing assignment info received today

<p>My ds received his housing assignment today - Hoeing 2nd floor with random co-ed room assignment. S was wondering if he and his roommate will sandwiched between two rooms with pretty girls. Guess the hormones are finally kicking in. :-) His roommate is from Minnesota so it will be someone used to snow.</p>

<p>Have your freshman received the room assignment info yet?</p>

<p>Nothing here yet. But we seem to get mail a couple of days later than people around the corner, so who knows? But it's good to know that I should be looking!</p>

<p>Nothing here yet in Massachusetts. Daughter is chomping at the bit to find out!</p>

<p>Daughter still hasn't heard "officially", but both roomates (apparently a triple) contacted her via email/facebook. Now, if she can only find out what bldg she's in ..........</p>

Since she is in a triple she is in either gilbert or hoeing. There are not triples in Sue B. (unless they mysteriously changed them)- just singles, doubles, and quads.</p>

<p>Also some good news that you might want to tell her considering that most freshman are upset about triples-
Triples have a much much lower rate of conflict than doubles.
Students from my year (2009) actually asked for triples when doing upperclassmen housing.</p>

<p>Thanks, hopkinslax--I'll pass that info along</p>