<p>I am a new student arriving this fall 2011- And, I just noticed on the housing info site that the deadline to apply for 2011-2012 housing was 5/1/11. Does anyone know- </p>
<p>Does this apply to incoming freshmen??</p>
<p>Thanks to all who answer ;-)</p>
<p>yes the May 1st deadline applies to freshman, unless the student chooses to live off-campus or if the student is taken off the wait list (in that case, its a month after they received their acceptance letter). most freshman were notified of their housing locations a little more than a week ago.</p>
<p>Wait… you seriously didn’t know that you needed to apply for housing? We got our housing assignments almost a month ago. Call them and tell them that you’re hopelessly confused and cross your fingers that you’ll get a decent spot. All the deadlines have long past and they definitely apply to freshman.</p>
<p>my bad…</p>
<p>I had not been to the housing portal for awhile…Was searching for a list of things to bring to campus… Schrolled to the bottom of the page and freaked thinking I was supposed to have signed up for next years housing already. </p>
<p>Already have me housing confirmed @ Mews…
<p>Sorry guys!</p>