Housing Deposit

<p>Where do I mail the housing application & Deposit? I tried to pay online, but it's not working correctly?</p>

<p>its pretty late isnt it? not sure if your going to be guaranteed a dorm. give them a call on monday before 5 i think cause most of their offices close at 5PM(EST). then ask them where you can send it. cause you gotta do your housing contract afterwards. you might not be getting a dorm.. who knows tho. good luck tho. and start searching for an off-campus place just in case.</p>

<p>I was just admitted like a week ago....they don't make any exceptions for those admitted late?</p>

<p>They may, but it's not guaranteed if all of the housing spaces are filled. Priority goes to those who applied and were admitted early. I paid my housing deposit on February 20th and picked my housing choices and signed my contract in early April and I'm not guaranteed a housing spot at any of my top 5 choices.</p>

<p>Here are a few excerpts from the housing website's FAQ list:</p>

<p>"What are the deadlines for the University Residences application process?</p>

<p>2008-2009 Academic Year Entry Dates</p>

<p>After being admitted:</p>

<p>Return the housing application and deposit before the March 1 preferential housing deadline to establish priority for University housing. We begin accepting housing applications in September of your senior year in high school. The earlier you apply for housing, the greater your chances are of getting an assignment to one of the buildings you most prefer.</p>

<p>Around April 1, 2008:</p>

<p>New beginning students who have previously submitted a housing application and deposit will receive a housing contract mailing and may request a specific roommate at this time. College sophomores, juniors, seniors, and transfer students will be notified of the availability of University housing and may receive a housing contract.
May 1, 2008:</p>

<p>*Deadline for return of housing contract and preference information.</p>

<p>June 1, 2008:</p>

<p>University Residences begin mailing of residence assignments to students.</p>

<p>**Students applying for housing after March 1 (for Fall) may receive a housing contract mailing letter if space is available.*"</p>

<p>"Why didn’t I get my first choice of residences?
In order to be fair, a priority date is assigned to your housing application upon our receiving it. Priority is not established by the date we receive your signed housing contract and preference information. Housing assignments generally are made in the order in which housing applications and $75 housing deposits are received, after housing assignments are made for certain groups, such as Learning Communities and National Merit Finalists. Another factor that may affect your assignment is if a mutual roommate request filed their housing application at a later date than you did. We use the later of the pairs’ priority date in making assignments, so an early applicant could be pulled back by someone filing a later application."</p>

<p>I've also read somewhere on the housing website that there are designated living areas for students who were not granted a regular dorm. I searched the website with no luck of finding the information, but once I do I will post it here.</p>

<p>I would do what Jimgotkp said in an earlier post to get the most accurate information, though. Good luck.</p>

<p>I spoke with a housing director and she told me that "we are not full and you will be fine" so thank you both for your help.</p>