housing options

<p>can someone give me suggestions for housing at V. i was just accepted into engineering school and also applied for honors(don't here back for a while). I was wondering what the engineering dorm is like, the honors dorm is like, and other dorms i may want to consider to find the best fit for me. any help is appreciated. </p>

<p>*housing at VT</p>

<p>inVenTs is the engineering learning community you can apply for. Currently, it is housed in Lee Hall which is a traditional hall-style (non-suite) dorm. It is co-ed and has shared bathrooms of about 1 to 58. <a href=“http://www.housing.vt.edu/halls/hall_list/Lee.html”>http://www.housing.vt.edu/halls/hall_list/Lee.html&lt;/a&gt;. The Honors housing is in either Hillcrest or East Ambler Johnson. See the housing link for information <a href=“http://www.housing.vt.edu/llc/communities/waj/the_hall.html”>http://www.housing.vt.edu/llc/communities/waj/the_hall.html&lt;/a&gt;. I have heard the Honors dorm is very nice. If admitted to either inVenTs or Honors, you can “choose” these dorms. As for the other dorms, they ask your preference on items like traditional or suite, co-ed, etc. but they are randomly assigned so you cannot really “pick” one. Keep in mind both the inVenTs housing and Honors College cost more to live in. So, if you are on a tight budget, keep this in mind. This is information from a couple of years ago when my son was a freshman, so others can weigh in if something has changed.</p>

<p>Lee hall is the living learning community. For girls the program is Hypatia and for boys it’s Gallileo. My daughter fought me on it but one after finishing her first semester is very happy she lived with engineers. It’s so much easier staying with kids in your program. The dorm was fine. She likes having a sink in the room. She only has one roommate. It’s been great. </p>

<p>West Ambler is a lot of fun; it’s a “residential college.” Kind of like a resort. It has air conditioning, too :)</p>

<p>so with the engineering dorms can someone elaborate on what it is? Are all of them combined in the same building (Lee i think its called) or are the guys(Galileo) in a separate building from the girls(hypatia)? </p>

<p>oh ok i think i understand: so the program for guys is called Galileo and they live in the building called lee…that makes so much more sense now. thanks guys</p>

<p>Lee Hall houses both engineering Learning Communities and also the Biological learning community “Da Vinci” and one called “Curie”. In the past, these LC’s were on particular floors or areas. The entire building is not Engineers it has other students not part of a Learning Community.</p>

<p>I am currently a Freshman right now, and I can honestly say people do not enjoy the honors housing as much as it seems they would. Yeah, you’re in a better maintained building, but a lot of the time they feel left out. I think Pritchard and Slusher are the “classic college dorms” that most people envision prior to living in a dorm. I’m in Pritchard now and it’s a blast. Lots of people, good location.</p>