Desperately need housing help!

<p>Ok... so confused. S was accepted to Honors housing. It's first come/first serve and he's not 100% sure that will be the right fit for him. Do we go ahead and submit the Honors Housing survey, along with the regular housing contract and see which comes through? I have read some threads that sound like you can apply to more than one housing option, and accept the one you want?</p>

<p>I never thought of “fit” as being much of an issue for the dorm. Kids should be able to adapt to the environment. Certainly, one can look on-line and review the requirements of being in the honors dorm (IMO - it’s not much in addition to being in the honors college). </p>

<p>I have one son at West AJ and in his opinion the dorm is one of the best on campus. East AJ (one of the honors dorms) is very similar and they both share some common areas. I’m not familiar with Hillcrest but I know it doesn’t have a similar level of updates as East AJ. </p>

<p>My suggestion is to put in the request for EAJ or Hillcrest and also for regular housing. If he’s in engineering he may want to take some time to consider Galileo in Lee dorm. If he’s not interested in having any group activities at all then a regular dorm would be fine - the big dorms are the most likely assignment but I preferred the smaller three story dorms, e.g., Vawter, Barringer.</p>

<p>Talked to housing today, and actually he has to submit both. His honors housing app would have been withdrawn by VT if he did not also have the regular housing contract submitted. If he doesn’t get a spot in the honors dorm, then he will drop in line for regular housing. Just FYI for anyone else who might be in similar circumstances.</p>