<p>Hill is incredibly social, Stouffer has great rooms (I'll probably live in Mayer next year) that are perfect for studying, the Quad is pretty and good for hosting random parties, and the High-rises are good location-wise with great facilities and are also good for parties.</p>
<p>On the flip-side, a room in Hill is incredibly small and dusty and the lighting is poor (mice problems are also common). Stouffer also has a fair shade of anti-social people due to the numerous count of single-rooms. The Quad's rooms tend to be small and there's not as much of a community feel as there is in other dorms, and it can be loud. The High-rises have slow-as-hell elevators and it can be hard to meet people from other floors.</p>
<p>There are pros and cons to all the dorms, but really you can't go wrong. Figure out what matters to you most and choose from there.</p>