
<p>If I wait to get other admissions decisions (until April 1st, atleast) to submit my enrollment deposit to Alabama, is there any chance that I just won’t be able to get a dorm in Ridgecrest West? I am honors, so that’s not the issue. I feel like waiting too long all the dorms will have been taken.</p>

<p>The undergrad admissions process been a long time for me, so somebody please remind me: can one pay the enrollment deposit at Alabama and then cancel enrollment (and losing the deposit since it’s non-refundable) without being penalized by other schools? In other words, would other colleges consider one’s submission of an enrollment deposit at UA equal to a decision to cancel one’s admission application or decline acceptance if they’ve accepted someone? </p>

<p>I’m asking this because it seems the OP can just go ahead and submit an enrollment deposit to UA and just cancel enrollment to UA if a more favorable acceptance comes forth. Would this cause an negative side effect?</p>

<p>bump because hopefully the football threads will die down and I might be able to get an answer.</p>


<p>Hi, </p>

<p>Sorry, I missed your earlier post.</p>

<p>Waiting to deposit could affect your ability to live in Ridgecrest West (are you sure that’s the one? Not Ridgecrest South?)</p>

<p>There are a few problems with waiting:</p>

<p>1) your first choice dorm will be filled</p>

<p>2) your first choice dorm may have some empty beds, but the students will be upper-classmen and you want to room with frosh.</p>

<p>3) you may want to have a particular suitemate, but you can’t find a suite with 2 empty beds in it.</p>

<p>Are you a NMSF/F? If so, you will definitely get a suite in Riverside North, if you’re not able to select some other honors hall. Bama blocks out some suites in Riverside North for NMFs who select late.</p>

<p>We faced a similar quandary with the housing deposit. My daughter applied to several schools on the common app. The common app makes you affirm that: “I will send an enrollment deposit (or equivalent) to only one institution; sending multiple deposits (or equivalent) may result in the withdrawal of my admission offers from all institutions.” </p>

<p>Because it doesn’t say in that statement “I will send an enrollment deposit or equivalent to only one Common App institution” we though that the best route was wait until she was sure that she would attend Alabama to send the enrollment and housing deposits. From a practical perspective I’m not sure how the other school would have found out that she deposited at Alabama (though I guess it is possible that a high school guidance office could learn about a double deposit situation – and at a school with an honor code that could be a serious issue). In the end we considered it a matter of honoring her word. She affirmed she would only send one enrollment deposit and that is what she did. She ended up making her final decision in March so she had one of the later honors housing selection dates.</p>

<p>Although I am not sure whether Ridgecrest West was a choice that was available to her once her selection time arrived, she had lots of choices available in Lakeside and Riverside and could have lived in Ridgecrest South – though she opted out of those rooms because it wasn’t clear that they would be honors (they were – but housing didn’t advise students that they had opened additional honors housing in Ridgecrest South).</p>

<p>Alabama could make this whole process much more simple in ethical terms by permitting students to send a housing deposit before sending an enrollment deposit. (This is how the University of Texas sidesteps the issue.)</p>