
<p>I'm not really sure where to live next year. I'll be considered a senior and was originally in an 8 person group that fell apart. I'm considering getting a single. I read the reviews on bwog and it seems like my best bets are River, Broadway, and Nussbaum. Is that right? </p>

<p>I'm not really interested in the Watt studios because I've read that its not a very social place. I cooked this year and plan on cooking next year, so I would like a place with a decent kitchen.</p>

<p>any recommendations? </p>

<p>I think i’m leaning towards broadway.</p>

<p>Why would you post this on a college admissions board? Wouldn’t you get better advice from the Bwog commentary or by talking to your Columbia friends on Facebook, or gasp…in person?</p>

<p>Broadway’s your best bet if you want a decent single. There are large lounges which means you have a chance of actually meeting people on your floor. That said, I’ve heard good things about River. </p>

<p>Nussbaum used to be good but they started cramming singles and turning them into doubles. The kitchen is fairly nice, but it’s almost never cleaned, just like the restrooms. I lived there in a double my sophomore year, and while it was nice, I tried to hang out in McBain as much as possible. On the positive side, the building doesn’t have any random fire drills and almost no fire alarms are triggered!!</p>