<p>Hey guys, I'm a rising junior and am starting to do everything right to get into the best college possible. I'd like to get some feedback cause I know everyone here knows what they're talking about, so here it is:</p>
<p>SAT : Have taken multiple PSATS, ranging from 1960 - 2100
Classes : Taking AP Composition and AP World History (The only 2 they have for juniors) and AP Bio, Calc, Psycology, and Language senior year. Every other class is at least advanced.
GPA : 90
Violin for 7 years, playing in state-wide orchestra (promoted 3 times since joined) and numerous solo performances.
Created a program for computer club that has generated over $500 to proceeds for a project.
Avid swimmer, accepted and will be in regional swimming team
Built own computer from scratch and made computers for others (for money)
Composed many pieces of music that have all received acclaim (count for ANYTHING?)
Have done around 250 hrs of community service that have ranged from volunteering at a hospital, helping teachers, and helping young kids with homework.</p>
<p>I know these are nothing special compared to most people on CC so I'd like to be realistic with my chances. What's a good Comp Sci School do you guys think I have a chance at?