<p>I'm new to CC but I jut got my SAT scores and I'm interested in what my chances might be for certain schools.
I got a 2340 (770 Reading, 770 Math, 800 Writing) and I know I can do better, so I'm taking them again. I won't be happy until I get a 2400.</p>
<p>Other academics:
5 on APUSH and AP Stats exams
No SAT subject tests taken yet
Weighted GPA (A+ in AP class is a 5.0, A+ in honors is 4.67, etc): 4.17, by the end of this year will hopefully be up to at least a 4.2.
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.86
Grades: All A range, except for B+ in Chem Honors, APUSH, and AP Stats sophomore year, and AP Calc BC and AP Chem this year. By the end of the year, hopefully those two will be up to A-.
Courses taken:
Freshman year - English Honors, French Honors, Humanities Honors, Biology Honors, Algebra 2 Honors
Sophomore year - English Honors, French Honors, APUSH, Chemistry Honors, Precalculus Honors, AP Statistics
Junior year - AP English Language, French Honors, AP Macro/Micro Econ, AP Chemistry, Physics Honors, AP Calculus BC</p>
I play classical violin (solo, orchestra, and chamber music)
Concertmaster of school, youth, regional orchestras
First violin in regional and All-State (both by audition only) since freshman year
Selected for first violin in All-Eastern orchestra this spring
Won various solo competitions for high-school level
Played as a soloist with adult orchestras and in a showcase for young musicians</p>
<p>High-ranking cabinet position for the state in JSA (Junior State of America)</p>
<p>Volunteer work:
Playing music at local nursing homes/health care centers
I also participate in Tri-M, which helps to bring music education to underprivileged elementary schools
Volunteered at local historical society</p>
Ethnicity - Asian
Income - Middle to upper-middle class
Gender - female</p>
<p>Schools I'm interested in:
Give me like match/high match/reach/safety please!
Any help is appreciated, thank you :)</p>