<p>Alright so I already had a post I made about two months ago and I thought I'd make another to see if I could get some more answers, opinions, and to collect my thoughts. </p>
<p>To start it off, I'm 17 years old, I turn 18 in September, I'm almost done with high school (a month before graduation!) and I'm living at home with my mom and my step-dad. Their annual earnings are around $53,000 and they haven't saved a dime
for me for college, which means I'm going to be entirely independent in paying for my college education (financial aid, scholarships if I can manage to get any, grants, and, more then likely, loans). So far I have one scholarship, the Lottery Scholarship. Over the summer I plan on working two jobs and saving up as much money as possible for college.
I feel like I'm trapped in a financial corner with only my drive and ambition carrying me forward.</p>
<p>I've done a decent amount of research and I've decided on either going to University of New Mexico, New Mexico State University, or my least favorite, Central New Mexico University (a community college). I want to either live on campus or live in an apartment, with room mates either way. its going to cost an average of $6,500 / year if I live on campus at UNM (my first choice), this includes my meal plan. Because I live in New Mexico my tuition and fees for college are paid for (via the Lottery Scholarship), with the exception of the first semester which is going to run me $2,300. I haven't really done much research into grants but I am eligible for the Federal Pell Grant.</p>
<p>So If I attend UNM (I've already been accepted) I will need to find a way to come up with the first semester's tuition of $2,300, book fees of $200 - $800 / semester (will probably get most of these books online), and the $6,500 / semester to live on campus, my estimated 4-year cost at UNM is $20,000, now I know as well as the next person that unless you don't party at all and study 15 hours a day, you aren't graduating in 4 years, which means my total cost is going to be substantially higher. I have already applied for my FAFSA and am waiting to hear back from the FAFSA coordinator at UNM. *I am not eligible for the Bridge To Success Scholarship because my cumulative GPA will be too low. I currently have one scholarship, the Lottery Scholarship. I plan on working on campus when I start college (if I go to UNM) and getting around 10 - 15 hours a week.</p>
<p>Now, on to my academic information:
my cumulative GPA at the end of this year, my final year of high school, will be between 2.7 - 2.85 Max and so far my best ACT score is a 22, I plan on re-taking the ACT 1 more time. I don't plan on taking the SAT, A 22 is good enough for the colleges I'm interested in, although I didn't do well on the math portion and may have to take a 101 class for it, which I might just do because I really need to catch up on my math skills, I realize that 101 classes don't give a college credit.</p>
<p>I'm not the brightest student, I've never done any form of community service, I only have 1 academic achievement award which is for getting a 3.5 or higher GPA for my 1st semester of 12th grade. Because I don't have a 3.0+ GPA I'm disqualified from many scholarships, local and national.
I've been on these websites that display scholarships based on your profile (Fastweb, Scholarshipexpert, etc.) but, (please correct me if I'm wrong on this) I don't see the point in national scholarships because I know there are millions of students out there that can write a way better essay than me and even if I did write a good one the odds of getting the scholarship seem to be very, very low, especially on the national level scholarships. Not only that but many of the scholarships on there have already expired, and because my academic record isn't extremely high I am disqualified from many scholarships, so I pretty much see scholarships as a lost cause. I've also looked into many scholarships that are for New Mexico students only and I don't qualify for any except the Lottery. I've also looked into "Unusual Scholarships", I don't qualify for any of these either... never thought I'd hate being normal so much.</p>
<p>According to the FAFSA coordinator at UNM, the highest loan I'll be able to get is around $1,600 / semester, other than that, I haven't really done any research on loans.</p>
<p>So my questions are:</p>
<p>-Does anyone know what I should do scholarship wise?
-Which kind of scholarships are easiest to win? or should I just give up completely on scholarships?
-Is it easier to get scholarships once you're attending college? because I've seen scholarships that are only available to undergraduates.
-Can somebody better explain Grants to me?
-Are there any summer programs for college I should look into?
-In middle school I got some awards for the spelling bee, do these apply to my academic awards?</p>
<p>*My ultimate question is for anybody who wasn't the brightest kid in high school, didn't have any awards, wasn't an athlete, didn't do any community service, and whose parents didn't save anything for their college education... How did you get through it? What advice can you offer me?</p>