How and when do we get our May 2015 IB Scores?

I never got a log in or anything from my IB coordinator and since AP Scores are coming out tomorrow, I am insanely curious. Plus, I just want to know how badly I did in IB Computer Science SL :slight_smile:

You access your results on the IB candidate website (just google “IB results” and you’ll find it). For the May 2015 exam session, you can access them on July 6. You’ll need a personal code and a PIN to log in. Your IB coordinator should have given you that information, so if you don’t have it, you’ll need to contact them.

Our school lists personal code and PIN on Managebac.

I have my personal code and pin, but will it work tomorrow morning? Or at a specific time tats listed on my paper?

You should be able to log into the candidate website right now and it will tell you the time you can access your scores @2016seniorga

Is there any way to access score breakdowns for each paper of my IB Math exam? I hit the more details part but that just gave me my “total scaled moderated mark” of 89 and then I believe the cutoffs for a 7. I think I remember my teacher showing us the breakdowns of an earlier student, so I feel like it can be done…

@tdallege I can’t even access my scores yet, so I wish I could help you with that. :frowning:

if you’re having problems with the login page seemingly refreshing whenever you log in, try using a different browser (I used Puffin on my phone).

I don’t have my username or password… is the username something like your candidate number? @tdallege

No, they give you a personal code and pin… I would just email your IB coordinator and ask him/her if they have your pins/scores.