<p>-White male
-From suburbs of Boston, Massachusetts
-No alumni relation or other connection
-Will not ask for financial aid
-Heading into senior year (will graduate 2011)</p>
<p>Weighted GPA- 4.5
Class Rank- 10/100 (approx.)
SAT: 2370
Math: 800
Critical Reading: 800
Writing: 770
U.S. History: 700
Literature: 730
Math II: 760
APs: 5 of available 6
Junior year: U.S. History- 5
Senior year: Calculus AB
English Literature
Spanish Language
Government and Politics</p>
<p>Extracurriculars etcetera:</p>
<p>Varsity Football: Sophomore to Senior year
Varsity Baseball: Sophomore (some on JV) and Senior year
Varsity Indoor Track (shot put): Sophomore year
Peer mentor for incoming Freshmen: Junior year
Class Treasurer as a Freshman
Will be in cast of winter musical Senior year</p>
<p>Frederick Douglass and Susan B. Anthony Social Justice Award
National Honor Society: Junior and Senior year
Nominee: National Merit Scholarship (based on PSAT scores)</p>
<p>Member of Fire Dept. Explorer Post for 5 years, Vice President for just under 3 years
(this is a program established to train kids under 18 in medical, rescue, and fire skills
to prepare them to be firefighters in the future.)
Will become member of town's Fire Department upon turning 18 this September</p>
<p>Do I have a serious chance at getting into Pomona Regular Decision?</p>