How are roommates selected?

<p>do you fill out a survery and get matched up with someone similar to yourself? im pretty liberal, but the school ill probably be attending is catholic and the majority of students are conservative. id really like to room with someone who isnt the stereotypical no-fun, all work, no drinking or drugs, no girls, no partying, straight laced conservative catholic. this is the one thing that worries me about college.</p>

<p>Roommate selection depends on the college. Some of the schools I applied to had a questionaire, some had a really basic questionaire (like whether you smoke or not and what time you go to bed), and the school I'm at had no questionaire, you just listed the choices for residence halls. Initially I was in a room with 3 nursing majors. I'm currently undeclared liberal arts.
That being said, we've discovered Catholic schools aren't nearly as conservative as they might seem. The stories I've heard from friends at Catholic schools are just as bad, if not worse, than the stories I've got from the state school that I'm at.</p>

<p>The questionnaires are generally basic and ask questions like...</p>

<li>Do you smoke (obviously tobacco)?</li>
<li>Do you mind a roommate who smokes?</li>
<li>Do you prefer noise/quiet while working?</li>
<li>Early sleeping schedule or late?</li>
<li>Do you prefer a single gender dorm/floor?</li>

<p>There was no place to put your interests, etc. in my experience. I don't have a roommate, but I assume they try to match you up as well as possible based on the few questions you can answer.</p>

<p>At other colleges, you may be able to talk about your favorite music or some other interests, but I think most of the questionnaires are rather limited.</p>

<p>"Roommate selection depends on the college. Some of the schools I applied to had a questionaire, some had a really basic questionaire (like whether you smoke or not and what time you go to bed), and the school I'm at had no questionaire, you just listed the choices for residence halls. Initially I was in a room with 3 nursing majors. I'm currently undeclared liberal arts.
That being said, we've discovered Catholic schools aren't nearly as conservative as they might seem. The stories I've heard from friends at Catholic schools are just as bad, if not worse, than the stories I've got from the state school that I'm at."</p>

<p>monarch: yeah, actually my catholic friend who is 23 did tell me that catholic kids end up getting their hormones freshman year of college, so im not too worried about the whole being lame. im just worried im gunna get stuck with the kid who doesnt want to have fun/gives off bad vibes.</p>

<p>duke: thanks for the sample questions.</p>

<p>some other questions: i play guitar. do colleges has noise policy's on that? </p>

<p>and hypothetical question here: would you object/be annoyed with a roommate who played guitar? i mean, i wouldnt be doing it at 4 at night, but just during the day. </p>

<p>also, would you suggest i talk to the school about a more thorough roommate questionaire?</p>

<p>No matter what you do, you will show up your first day and there will be your roommate: an intense looking person, dressed all in black, who speaks softly, and asks, "Would you like to see my knife collection?"</p>

<p>You mean Stephen King's son..........the creepy one?</p>

<p>That'd actually be pretty cool. I collect knives too. =D</p>

<p>... -cough-</p>

<p>yeah, you can talk about knives in another thread. dont hijack this one please.</p>

<p>there's probably a short survey to fill out.</p>

<p>Remember, the school is not trying to find you a new best friend. They're trying to find someone who you can share space with well.</p>

<p>My school's housing survey is horrendous...
I am roomed with someone who I am somewhat the exact opposite of in terms of habits...
The only question they asked was if I smoke or not.</p>

<p>Kind of on the topic of housing, how 'substance-free' are the sub-free dorms? My parents would rather die than have me get into a dorm accepting of drinking/smoking (although I am a nonsmoker), but I would not want to be stuck with a bunch of people who never drink at all...I'm an occasional partier.</p>

<p>this is a testplease ignore</p>

<p>2nd test -- ** please ignore. **</p>

<p>kk06, my brother warned me against the substance-free housing. i was also doing it to appease my parents and figured how bad could it be? but apparently a lot of kids who go into sub-free housing really dont like to party, wont let you put on music, etc etc. maybe it was a just his friends luck, but they all hated it.</p>

<p>i'm going to UofMinnesota: Twin Cities, and their questionaire was basic, smoking or non smoking, when do you sleep, do you prefer your room to be neat, etc. i think maybe they're going to room all neat people with messy people. cmon messy with messy? how's that gonna work?</p>