How are the girls at Purdue??

enough for everybody? (<<< LOL, it sounds a little bit cynical but whatever)</p>

<p>go for yourself and see. I think the girls are pretty cute.</p>

<p>There are really hot girls and there are bad ones. Get yours by freshman year though. After that it's next to impossible to get a hot one.</p>

<p>there's all the types of girls you mentioned....</p>

<p>Indiana University steals all the hot chicks from the state. They have wayyyy hotter chicks.</p>

<p>Really, any state school with 30,000+ undergrads isn't going to be hurting for good-looking girls.</p>

<p>In regards to the IU girls statement, I'd say they're comparable, though Purdue girls, at least the ones I've met, tend to be a bit on the smarter side.</p>

<p>Though, there are more guys than girls at Purdue. It's the opposite at IU (I think).</p>

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>is this a lie?</p>

<p>There are hot girls. Don’t worry. They just aren’t obligated to be anywhere near interested in you.</p>