How are the SUNY/CUNY schools perceived outside of New York State?

<p>“It really is considered a safety for those who really want to go to Binghamton, Buffalo, SBU, or Geneseo.” LOL. Twenty years ago they were decent. Geneseo is still in a different class than the others. The others are large generic institutions that shuffle herds of students through them and their administration is devoid of the values and leadership that you’d hope would be steering the schools. Instead they flap in the wind; directed by the latest fad-now they are out for international student money. No need to read or speak English-just plop down that extra international stipend of $4,000 and you’re in and out. Four years later, can’t write a sentence. No biggie. At least you have honed the skill of begging for points and using various translator sites to construct something the looks like a paper. Well, it has pages and all. Here is your diploma, for what it is worth now. The jewel of the SUNY system, yeah, right… Today its internationals and yesterday basketball. …flapping in the wind. Not worth the tuition even free.</p>