How are you paying for SCU

So I emailed the admissions office and they responded that all merit and financial aid is posted on the eportal (except more info regarding Johnson’s but in order to qualify for Johnson’s you had to already been offered a different scholarship). Basically, if you were hoping for more money, stop hoping. I am really bummed out because my family is not about to pay 63K and we have been getting absolutely no financial aid. How are you guys planning on affording SCU to a reasonable extent?

My portal still says “Award access not available”. So … are you sure no scholarships? because to me “access” is the keyword to maybe not posted yet. What do y’all think?

Please be wise with debt no matter where you choose to go to college. Often times the most affordable school is the very best school.

@klp777 what do you mean by you had to be offered a “different scholarship” for Johnson’s?

@papyrusreed So when I emailed and called the admissions officers, they told me that Johnson’s scholarship nominated students are students who will always end up with at least their original dean’s, or provost scholarships. Basically, Johnson students are nominated from people who already were offered scholarships, which makes sense since the people who are offered merit already are the most qualified in their eyes. Or at least that is what she made it sound like to be. So if you were not already given a scholarship, Johnson’s should not be a possible consideration. @JFFP97 and yes, my portal says the same which is why I emailed to see if there was any hope left. She told me no, if we got any merit aid it would already be in the portal by now. I am pretty bummed because now I don’t think I can go.

That’s why most people you see who are getting the Johnson’s scholarship nomination have the Dean’s scholarship already! @papyrusreed I see you got your packet yesterday, CONGRATS!!! That is a wonderful accomplishment :slight_smile:

@klp777 thank you so much!! :slight_smile:

Thanks! I won’t be able to go either :frowning: Bummer