How bad was this essay?

<p>I just applied as a sophomore transfer, and I ran out of time writing the "why colorado college" essay (my excuse is hell week just ended.. 4 midterms). I know it's hard to judge your own essays, so would someone be willing to read it and just let me know objectively if it sucks or if it was ok, i need to stop obsessing over it haha. much thanks :)</p>

<p>If it helps, I would assume it isn’t going to break your application. I’ve always had a hunch that by the time a reader gets through your GPA and SAT scores, down to your essay, they pretty much know whether or not to accept you.</p>

<p>yeah, thanks :slight_smile: I got over my panic attack from that night haha. If it’s meant to be, they’ll like me based on my other criteria, and if it’s not, then it won’t just be the essay that brings me down.</p>