<p>Currently I am a sophomore and these are my grades.
AP Macroeconomics- 95 A
AP Environmental Science- 94 A
AP Chemistry- 93 A
AP Computer Science- 85 B
AP Calculus AB- 81 C
Honors English- 99 A</p>
<p>I currently have a C in calc and that probably will not be raised. Both Calc and Comp Sci are not like any class I've ever had before and I do not think that could possibly get higher. Before I took all honors classes and didn't get anything below a 96. </p>
<p>These are my EC's:
Work around 18 hours a week
ICC rep- caring for kids club
National Science honor society
Student Council
Varsity Tennis
Speech and Debate
FBLA- officer
Volunteer once a week with special olympics</p>
<p>Right now my top choices are Stanford, Princeton and UCLA. How will my subpar grades this year affect my chances?</p>
<p>^ I agree with Bartleby007. Unless you need the money from your job, I would cut back on work hours, because work experience will not impress people if you are doing poorly in some of your classes.</p>
<p>I would also focus your ECs more, and come up with something like a passion, because right now they’re all over the place, going from FBLA to science honor society.</p>
<p>I agree with the previous posts, you should try to cut back on EC’s…a huge list of EC’s is only impressive if you can still manage to get good grades. Otherwise it looks like you didn’t know how to manage your time well enough.</p>
<p>For the record, an 81 is considered by the typical conversion scale to be a B-, it’s not quite as bad as you believe it to be. You’re also taking quite a rigorous schedule–not many sophomores are taking 5 AP courses already! Congratulations on the other grades, which are excellent, and good luck!! (:</p>