How balanced is this junior year schedule?

<p>You’re a nut!</p>

<p>A very strong and well-rounded schedule: good job!
I heard that AP French (as well as all AP Foreign Languages) are hard, but from your description, I see that I am just the Spanish version of you - I too am not a native, but love the language, practice it as much as I can, and will take AP Spanish Language for 2010.</p>

<p>If you wish, you might also wish to self-study AP Calculus BC instead of AB because in the class you will learn 60% of the BC exam and then on your own you just have to become familiar with a few more topics. Look on the CollegeBoard website for the additional topics. I just suggest it as a way to reduce your senior year workload, or if you wish you can take another AP exam senior year.</p>

<p>But anyway, it looks good, and good luck!</p>

<p>Fledgling - yeah, we need the luck, ahahaha.</p>

<p>beatfreaks - I know. (:</p>

<p>Stimulus - I’ve read things about all of these kids self-studying for BC, but I just don’t want to for three reasons. One, my school doesn’t allow it. Two, I want to take BC my senior year in order to reinforce the basic AB topics. Three, if I took the BC exam this year, I would run out of classes to take as a senior, ahahaha. But thank you for the comments. Good luck to you, too. :D</p>

<p>jeez…a lot people with like 6 and 7 AP classes on here! Do you guys go by block schedule s or have more classes? We have 4 blocks a semester, the most APs we can take a year is 4…</p>

<p>Pratt - on one day of the week, we have every class every day. For the other four days, we switch off and have four a day.</p>