How balanced is this junior year schedule?

<p>I'm going to be a junior, and I was wondering how balanced and/or competitive this schedule was. I'm aiming for Ivy league schools.</p>

<p>AP English Language
AP French Language
AP Calculus AB
AP Physics B*
AP Psychology
AP US History
AP US Government**
Wind Ensemble
Jazz Ensemble</p>

<p><em>My school does not offer AP Physics C.
*</em>Taken on Florida Virtual School over the summer (right now).</p>

<p>Math, Science, English, Foreign Language, elective AP. STELLAR :)</p>

<p>Thank you very much. :D</p>

<p>From my untrained eye, it looks like a very strong schedule. If you don’t mind me asking, how many of these APs are you taking independently? I doubt your school offers 9 classes during the day.</p>

<p>Also, how’s your volunteer work looking? I know it’s probably not included in your schedule, but you should take that into account with such a heavy workload.</p>

<p>I am not self-studying for any of them. They are all in school except for AP US Government, which I am taking right now on Florida Virtual School.</p>

<p>My volunteer work is going well. I was the head coach of my younger brother’s Little League team during the spring of my sophomore year, gaining me 100 hours. I plan to continue doing this up until graduation. I also get a lot of volunteer hours from doing projects associated with Interact Club, my school’s service club.</p>

<p>Absolutely awful. Make sure your ECs are good so that a community college MIGHT accept you.</p>

<p>Just kidding, it’s an awesome schedule. As a suggestion, maybe if your school allows you, you could replace Calculus AB with BC?</p>

<p>Thank you. AP Calc BC is the same period as AP Physics B, and if I wanted to take another science class in its spot, AP Chem is the same period as wind ensemble. I’ll just take BC next year. The way I see it, I get to reinforce those crucial calc I skills.</p>

<p>Nice schedule (wish my school offered that many AP’s in a year), was just wondering how difficult AP French is as opposed to AP Spanish and AP Latin Vergil (taking Latin senior year), in terms of workload, complexity etc.</p>

<p>All three of those language courses are different. AP French is probably the easiest of those, to be honest (although it is still very, very difficult). AP Spanish involves writing a synthesis essay (which is exactly what is found on AP English Language), and AP Latin involves pretty much memorizing lines from the Aeneid. AP French is just listening/reading comprehension, a short speaking section, fill-in-the-blank sections, and one essay (it’s relatively informal).</p>

<p>Very nice schedule, especially if you’re taking them all at school.</p>

<p>If you had said that you were going to take 5 APs and self study 3 more, I would have doubted you, but right now this looks great.</p>

<p>Good Luck!</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>I enjoy bumping things.</p>

<p>5 AP’s is a stretch. Wow your taking 6 in school!!! Holy crap! That’s a ton, and I thought 4 was a lot. Good luck, you will need it!!!
AP Calc and AP Physics is not even allowed at my school if you get all A’s in these courses and do good on the exams next year not only will you have a ton of college credit, but you will def get into the Ivy of your choice with decent SAT Scores!</p>

<p>Thank you! The way I see it is that if I’m going to be spending time working on a class, why not take it as an AP? It’s not like I’ll be dedicating that much more time to it.</p>

<p>At my school, you need to have taken precalculus for AP Physics B, and most kids who are up for the challenge of AP Physics will generally be in calculus.</p>

<p>Thank you! :D</p>

<p><em>Edit I meant your not allowed to take AP Calc and AP Physics until Senior Year at my school.</em></p>

<p>Start preping now. Also do you have to take those ensemble classes? Seems like it is going to get in the way unless you really enjoy it.</p>

<p>MetalMeatwad - I don’t see how they won’t let you take calc until senior year. Lots of kids here take algebra 1 in seventh grade, and AP Calculus is the only math left for them to take as a junior.</p>

<p>killer2021 - yes, I have to take them. I attend a magnet school for performing arts that requires its students to take at least two art classes a year. However, I do enjoy them, otherwise I wouldn’t be at the school. And yeah, I’m surprised that an arts school like mine offers so many APs.</p>

<p>Wow, I am also very surprised that an art-focused magnet school offers so many AP subject options! (I am envious).</p>

<p>It is rare at my high school to see a Junior in AP French Language, do you perhaps have native-status or have you taken a summer course?</p>

<p>If for whatever reason, next year you become sick of math. Maybe you could consider AP Statistics as self-study? Haha, unless you’re considering a repeat of this schedule’s untensity for next year!</p>

<p>gaginang - they don’t offer French 4 at my high school. Students go from French 3 to AP French. I do consider myself to be an advanced speaker because I love the language and practice it as often as I can, but I’m not a native, nor have I taken a summer course in it.</p>

<p>Yeah, I’m trying to keep up a rigorous schedule for my senior year. I really enjoy learning and figure that if I’m going to dedicate myself to a subject, I might as well take it as an AP. The class(es) I self-study as a senior are entirely dependent on what doesn’t fit into my schedule. Hopefully AP Stats will (I plan to take both that and BC), but you never know.</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>Hey, your schedule’s nearly identical to mine, and I’m in your graduating class. Except that I’m taking Macroeconomics instead of Psychology, and Calc BC instead of AB. I’m not taking US Government, though. </p>

<p>Wish both of us the best of luck… 6 AP’s is going to be a stretch.</p>