How can I offset my "low" GPA?

I’m a junior in high school and have a 3.0 GPA. This is mainly due to the fact that in 9th and 10th grade there were several classes where I was incredibly incompatible with the coursework and the teacher :confused: (so I earned C’s and low B’s). I also had a very hard time in school mentally and socially from a move freshmen year.

This year I am not taking any of those classes so I assume my GPA will rise slightly. I also go to a very difficult college prep school, so if I went to an easier public school I would have a much higher grade average.

I do not know what else I can do to get colleges to look past this. Overall, I am great student personality and work wise, so my teacher recommendation letters should be pretty good. I earned a 25 on a practice ACT without studying at all so I assume I’ll go up several points on the official one which I’ve read could slightly balance out this gpa.

I am looking to major film production and my top schools are Chapman, Uni Miami, and UCLA (although this is probably a stretch). I don’t my chances on being admitted in these schools. I don’t have as extracurriculars either, but I’m trying to focus on quality not quantity with a few leadership positions and focusing on what I am truly interested in.

Sooo…what could I do to show colleges that I am more than my GPA and what are my chances in general?

I can’t chance you, but what are your extracurriculars? What are your classes? If you are taking high level courses and really good ECs in addition to exploring what interests you on your own, you should be good.

My extracurriculars are really only a few leadership club positions and yearbook editor, some volunteering. I don’t play high school sports but I run a lot. My classes are basic but challenging for my level, I am in a few honors and probably APs next year.

Nothing offsets 4 years of work. Just do your best.