How Come You Need To Know How Balance Your Life When You Get To College?

<p>I always hear: If you studied all the time in high school, even if you got really, really, really great grades, you will struggle in college?</p>

<p>Why is that?</p>

<p>Doesn't the kid who had horrible grades, but was some big recruited athlete, going to have a hard time in college, too? Sure, he's going to have a great social life in college, but won't he struggle academically? </p>

<p>I guess vice versa for the study all the time kid.</p>

<p>I can cover one of many many many facets of college homework. </p>

<p>In each of my classes im supposed to read about two chapters out of my textbook a week. I have five classes. so that means I need to read about 250 pages of textbook text a week. If I actually did this, I would be one burnt out fella.</p>

<p>instead you simply read what you personally fell you need to read…</p>

<p>even though im an english major, i have troubles communicating ideas like what i just mentioned, but dont worry, when you get to your college (hopefully) you’ll know what i mean.</p>

<p>The recruited athlete has a academic support team to keep him/her in school and eligible to play. S/he has required study hall, tutors, cooperation from the university to keep him/her on the playing field.
The average student has to use time management skills to juggle school work, job, social life, whatever to stay in school.
If you are weak and get too distracted with all your new freedoms and activities then procrastination or under estimating how much time is needed to complete your work will destroy you.</p>

<p>In my unqualified and unresearched (pretend that’s a word - and if it is, pretend I didn’t know it wasn’t.) opinion, most students don’t know how to efficiently study. Efficient, being the operative word. </p>

<p>The student who did all their reading in high school is going to struggle in college. If you have 300 pages to read, in your combined class for, and actually attempt to read them all, plus do your other assignments and obligations you’ll easily burn out. And this is usually what the over-achievers from high school try to do.</p>

<p>The trick is to study while being as lazy as possible. A feat [Cal</a> Newport](<a href=“]Cal”>Study Hacks - Decoding Patterns of Success - Cal Newport) has perfected.</p>

<p>In college, there is always a party going on, and one of your friends is always doing something, and you would always learn the material better if you studied a bit more. So you have to learn to say no to all of those things.</p>

<p>I got medoicre grades in high school and am getting good grades in college…</p>