How competitive are Polytechnic majors?

Compared to Engineering and CS?

Not even close to as competitive as engineering and CS.

From Purdue’s Freshman (“New First-Time Beginner) Data Set, Average Scores

College of Engineering: SATM-738 SATV-683 SAT-1414 ACT-31.8

Polytechnic Institute: SATM-655 SATV-621 SAT-1269 ACT-27.2

CS is in the ballpark of Engineering.

Engineering HS GPA: 3.794

Polytechnic HS GPA: 3.626

“Students admitted to the College of Engineering for Fall 2017 had an average combined SAT in the middle 50% range of 1350-1470. Of the students that enrolled, 50% had a GPA between a 3.94-4.0, and an ACT Composite of 30-34.”

Their GPA statement does not align with the school’s published data, nor my experience. I suspect they’re being creative with GPA weighting.

Ok, your replies are giving me some relief. My grades are lousy, but I have a decent portfolio and a somewhat unique paper. I know they do holistic reviews, so maybe they don’t care as much about your scores for polytechnic programs.

Just keep in mind that this is relative. PI scores are still at the 83rd percentile nationally.

And as noted in another thread, application counts are increasing as it’s a fairly new program. I suspect the competitiveness will increase.

And as noted in another thread, application counts are increasing as it’s a fairly new program. I suspect the competitiveness will increase.


This is an understatement- + 64% Year-over-year increase in applications (2018-2019) w/ only +9% additional admits. I suspect some think it is a backdoor to Engineering or CS.