<p>My daughter dragged herself into the house after the grueling 6 hour test on Saturday. She said "mom, I hope I did well enough, because I'm never taking that test again!" She was exhausted and pale and looked totally whooped. Whew. Hope this was the end of it.</p>
<p>DD is pretty stoic, but she looked absolutely wiped out. Math is usually her best subject and she got into trouble with the time at the end of two sections, so she skipped at least four questions. She said the CR went well and she probably got her best score on that, which is pretty weird for her, and the writing went better than last time--she writes incredibly sllllloooowwwwllly but this time she got four paragraphs down before time ran out. (CB denied extra time for her.) </p>
<p>I don't know if this will help anyone, but this time for writing prep, instead of making her write, I had her read the section in the blue book where they give a prompt and show like eight different essays with the scores they received and an assessment of each one. I hope that helped her see where she was trying to go on the test--better than having her do sample timed essays and then have us critique them.</p>