<p>In<em>college</em>for<em>undergrad</em>how<em>long</em>is<em>a</em>semester?<em>Does</em>a<em>year</em>usually<em>have</em>2<em>semesters</em>so<em>for</em>4<em>years</em>to<em>get</em>like<em>a</em>BS<em>in</em>science<em>(or</em>is<em>a</em>BA<em>better</em>for<em>premed)</em>do<em>I</em>take<em>8</em>semesters<em>overall?</em><em>So</em>for<em>premed</em>one<em>year</em>of<em>math,</em>bio,<em>chem,</em>and<em>physics</em>is<em>necessary</em><em>so</em>is<em>each</em>class<em>one</em>semester<em>long?</em>So<em>organic</em>chem<em>plus</em>lab<em>is</em>one<em>semester?</em>So<em>overall</em>I<em>would</em>take<em>2</em>physics<em>classes</em>and<em>2</em>bio<em>and</em>2<em>math?</em><em>How</em>many<em>classes</em>does<em>someone</em>take<em>per</em>year<em>or</em>semester?<strong>So<em>at</em>the<em>end</em>of<em>each</em>semester<em>there</em>is<em>a</em>final?<em>So</em>like<em>I</em>would<em>take</em>chem<em>freshman</em>year<em>and</em>bio<em>soph</em>and<em>physics</em>junior<em>year</em>and<em>math</em>senior<em>year</em>plus<em>all</em>my<em>requirements</em>for<em>a</em>bio<em>major?</em>So<em>if</em>I<em>take</em>5<em>classes</em>per<em>semester</em>would<em>I</em>take<em>2</em>hard<em>and</em>3<em>electives</em>(would<em>the</em>electives<em>be</em>for<em>a</em>minor).</strong>If<em>I</em>have<em>like</em>5<em>bio</em>classes<em>how</em>do<em>I</em>study<em>for</em>all<em>of</em>them?*<em>Do</em>I<em>take</em>notes<em>from</em>the<em>book</em>for<em>each</em>class<em>or</em>will<em>the</em>professor<em>give</em>me<em>all</em>the<em>notes</em>I<em>need</em>for<em>each</em>class? <em>Is the lab a seperate class (like a seperate semester)?</em></p>
<p>Semester is 4-5 months long. 2 per year. 8 is the most common but some people take more or less depending on how many classes they take per semester. BA vs BS not a big deal. Most of the courses you mentioned are two semesters, a full year. 15 credits per semester is what you need to graduate in 8 semesters. Most classes are 3-4 credits. Final exams are common, but some classes have papers or other requirements. Note taking is done based on the lectures usually. Some people will take notes from the book but it isn’t necessary. Medical school curriculums are different everywhere, so I can’t tell you how long per class you will study.</p>
<p>Please use the spacebar in the future and never type like that again. It took me forever to read.</p>
<li><p>Depending on the college - not every college offer so-called “pre-medical” program. Usually it’s either biology or biochemistry.</p></li>
<li><p>How you schedule your program is up to you. But you really want to graduate within 4-5 years.</p></li>
<li><p>So what if you have 5 bio-classes? In fact, when you turn to junior and senior years, most of your courses are your major courses. You just have to study, do well, pay attention in class, and don’t act like jerk in college, lol</p></li>
<li><p>It depends on the person - most people prefer 5 courses, about 17-18 credits. Some full time student may not feel good to take 5 courses, so they take 12-15 credits.
Sometime you can’t get into some classes either they are full, or time conflict. </p></li>
<p>You can also take summer classes to eliminate some liberal arts, or even math / science classes that might hinder you from getting more advance classes.</p>
<li><p>Depend on the professors. Some give pdf notes prior or @ class, some just do it on the computer via overhead, and you have to copy them. Some classes are classrooms classes, so you can see BLACKBOARD.</p></li>
<li><p>There are two types of labs. Real lab class, and science lab class. Real lab class means, for example, in electrical / computer engineering, we have laboratory class. The science lab class is exactly like what you did in high school. You study bio, and certain weekdays you have a class call bio xxxx number lab for 2 -5 hours.</p></li>
<li><p>Please don’t post the same topic over and over. It makes no sense whatsoever.</p></li>
<li><p>Medical school - don’t worry about it yet.</p></li>
<p>Jwxie I posted in different spots so more people can reply. Like if I posted this only in one section and you don’t usually look in that section then you wouldn’t reply would you and I would miss out on your reply which was helpful as mmmwdowe’s. Thanks and sorry if the reposting annoyed you.</p>
<p>I read all pre-med forums. They aren’t so busy that I can’t. Only post a question ocne regardless of your intentions because of the fact that it is against the rules of the forum and it can get you in trouble. The bests place for you to post will either be the high school pre-med forum or just the general pre med topics forum.</p>