How do i look so far

<p>well, firetly heres my stuff for college</p>

<p>3.2-3.3 gpa
1180 sat score, 530 on writing (1710 total)
(im retaking it in october so i assume it shall reach 1300 or 1850)
EC: President and founder of horticulture club, volunteered 30 hrs at hospital (lol..-.-), some minor clubs
Choosing 2 Sat II to take, will take those in November
essay will be on what inspired me to find amd how i found the horticulture club.</p>

<p>So with that outta the way, heres the colleges i am looking at, attemptin to major in marketing, do i stand a chance?</p>

<p>1- Baruch
2- Binghamton
3- Buffalo
4- New Paltz
5- New York University (a long reach)
6- University of Pennsylvania (A longer reach)
7- University of Virginia (longer reach)</p>

<p>no chance at 5, 6, 7.</p>

<p>LOL thought so, but what about Baruch and Binghamton?</p>

<p>Binghamton is probably a reach du to your GPA and SAT score; try to bump up the SAT to around a 1850-1900+ for a good shot there.</p>

<p>Baruch: High match/low reach</p>