How do I send in a mail to a college?

How do I send in a mail explaning special circumstances that affected my grades last semester and othet things in very positive tone? Also, my counselor told me that I can email them anything to appeal to increase a chance of acceptance. Is it true?

Is it good to send in a mail why my grade dropled and how being first generation college student affected me?

Well… some of that info maybe should have gone in the GC recommendation or your additional information section of your Common App. Now you can email the general admissions email at your colleges, give them enough info to match the email to your application, and ask them to consider this additional info as part of your application. But… it can be very hard to use a tone that doesn’t come across as just making excuses.

^^^Totally agree. That is best off being addressed by your guidance counselor. Otherwise is comes of as an excuse.

My counselor did not address it in his recommendation. Do you think it would be better if I just not send in a email about special circumstance? I do not want to sound like I am making excuses. The school I applied to does not use common app. What’s the best decision? This school is my first choice, and I would like to do anything if it can help me to get accepted.


Ask your counselor to write you a short note explaining your circumstances and give him/her an addressed envelope to send it in.