<p>How do I update recent achievements to Unis? Fax? email? </p>
<p>And in what format should I do it?</p>
<p>Thanks in advance & Good luck guys :)</p>
<p>How do I update recent achievements to Unis? Fax? email? </p>
<p>And in what format should I do it?</p>
<p>Thanks in advance & Good luck guys :)</p>
<p>Send a brief note to the admissions office. Mail is the usual method, although it’s late in the admissions process now so a fax might be better.</p>
<p>Be sure to include your name, SSN, address, etc. so the information gets into the right file.
As to what to include, the #1 rule is to keep it simple. Use the same format as on the regular application–don’t write an essay!</p>
<p>I will warn you, though–people usually recommend that you send in your update by mid-to-late February. At this point, there’s no guarantee that your new information will be reviewed with the rest of your app.</p>
<p>Good luck!</p>
<p>I just put in a little supplement piece in with my mid year transcripts. But it’s probably too late to do that either. Unless you can fax or email it then I wouldn’t bother as it wouldn’t get there and get processed until the end of this week or beginning of next, and they’ll most likely have finalized decisions.</p>
<p>Oh ok. thanks guys… THIS IS TOO SCARYYY!</p>
<p>Someone on the princeton thread said that they called and were told to fax the info anyway, but it will help if your file isn’t already closed (decision made).</p>
<p>I would send an email. That is what I did back in February when I had some stuff to add. Harvard will send you a reply saying basically,
“Thanks, we printed this and added it to your file.”</p>