<p>Some schools (for instance, Evergreen State College) do not give grades; rather, there are in-depth written evaluations. I am curious as to how law schools might approach this, seeing as GPA is usually very important to law schools - especially top law schools.</p>
<p>In other words, does somebody from such a gradeless college have an average chance of getting into law school? Or is their chance lower?</p>
<p>I think they take a composite of the different smiley faces you got on your papers and just put that in your file :P . It is also hard to picture a greener in a HYP type environment. But seriously, i have no idea how they weigh your application. You would probably depend heavily on your LSAT to get you in.</p>
<p>I think people have more ability to be diverse (in and of their own abilities and preferences) than most might think... I don't think hippie school + intense Ivy must be mutually exclusive. </p>
<p>I agree that your LSAT is going to be especially important. My guess is that the kids at gradeless colleges who would be 4.0 students had they gone elsewhere have letters of rec that make it clear that they are stars (and the LORs will be especially important too). I also bet that the kids who get into YHS from these schools have dean's letters that, in effect, rank them relative to their classmates: "Jim is perhaps the most outstanding student we will graduate this year..." etc.</p>