How do these things work?

<p>Ok, I am talking about these weird pages like that one. Try to translate it, if it does not work here the basic rules: you think of a two-digit number, take the digits, add them and substract them from the original number.
For example: 25, 2+5=7, 25-7=18
The resulted number is somewhere in the table beneath and once you have found it you have to imagine it within the big black square and click on the square, if the symbol is the one you have been thinking about, your wishes come true, yadda,yadda,yadda.
The thing is, it really works with numbers appearing, but only if you actually go through the steps, I tried to just find a number in the table and work it in, and it did not work out. So, can somebody tell me how it works?? What is the big miracle?</p>

<p>Can you post a link to one of the pages?</p>

<p>It's because they make all the possible results the same symbol. For example, let's say you choose 24 in the beginning. 24, 2 + 4 = 6, 24 - 6 = 18. This means that pretty much everything in the twenties range is going to end up as 18 (making you look at the same symbol as if you chose 21, 22, 23...).</p>

<p>think about it... no matter what number you choose, the resultant will be a number whose digits sum up to a 9. This sum is often referred to as the "numerological value". So all the numbers with a numerological value of 9 on the list are assigned the same symbol (9, 18, 27, 36, 45, etc).</p>

<p>Why does it always come out as 9, you may ask. Think about it this way: if you add 9 to any number, its numerologiical value remains the same (because the singles digit decreases by 1, and the tens digit rises by 1 -- unless the singles digit of the original number is a 0, in which case this rule applies in the netx step of the numerological breakdown). Therefore, the difference between any number with a numerological value of 9 (e.g 18) and a second number (e.g. 26) will always be equivalent to the numerological value of the second number (in our case, 8). It's as if you added the numerological value of the second number to 0, because in numerology, 9 is a 0.</p>

<p>So in these links, you essentially go in the opposite direction. Let's say you chose 26 as your random number. Then you subtract its numerological number, namely 8, from itself, resulting in the next lower "9-value" number, in our case 18.</p>

<p>hope that wasn't too complicated lol</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a> Here..try it!!</p>

<p>I can totally read Russian.</p>

<p>so can I....</p>

<p>actually I can't. do you have any in english?</p>