How do u become a Kaplan MCAT instructor?

<p>Just curious since i saw a couple of people with that as a job on mdapplicants. Is there a certain MCAT cutoff you have to achieve? If u take the MCAT sophomore year and if u do well, can u become one sophoomre year?</p>

<p>Most centers require you got a 10 or higher on any section you want to teach. Depending on the number of people trying to get jobs in your area though, that may not be close to enough (e.g. pretty sure every teacher at my center had a 35+).</p>

<p>At the center I taught at, the procedure was that they would have audition days where people would get up and “teach” anything they wanted for 2-5 minutes. </p>

<p>If you do well there, you go through the training, which I forget how many hours that was, and then you get to start teaching. At my center, the audition was the strongest cut such that everyone in training was pretty much guaranteed a job, some centers make more cuts after training. </p>

<p>During training you get paid minimum wage and basically you go through the entire curriculum and practice teaching various sections. Training is a mix of feedback and practice from the senior staff.</p>

<p>At some centers you might have to be observed during your first few classes, at others, they just let you loose and usually they ask your students about you.</p>

<p>I auditioned with my center before I had my scores back on the condition that if my scores weren’t high enough, I would be fired. Since my diagnostic was a 30, the center was pretty confident that I was going to have a score good enough to teach. I took the test in late August and was teaching my first class in early December.</p>

<p>I do not know if everybody or some get invited to apply for position, my D. received an invitation, she was not interested.</p>

<p>D1’s ex was a Kaplan instructor for 3 years.</p>

<p>At our local office, you need a high MCAT (32 or above with no section below a 10) plus a referral from a current Kaplan instructor to be considered.</p>

<p>The ex says that Kaplan is hiring fewer instructors right now because it’s moving many of its offerings to on-line only.</p>