<p>So, I was looking up High School Transcript pictures on the web to see what an actual one looked like. Along with finding pictures of them, I also discovered some incredibly disturbing websites of services that offered transcript forgery for less than $200. This really ****ed me off, here we are, all the members of this forum, working our butts off infinitely in order to manage straight A's. We toil, get extremely apprehensive, and stay up all night to achieve high grades, and here are plenty of services guaranteeing the 4.0 in the most notorious fashion. It's disgusting to know that there are people out there who are in many of our dream colleges (numerous forums with successful results), with absolutely none of the credentials and actual ability of ourselves. The fact that many of these students are less to us academically but still CAN manage the workload of say a Dartmouth or Emory student is feasible and is probably possessed by many students in the top 50 college realm. This is an example of a student who was caught trying to forge himself into a Yale transfer from Columbia: Yale</a> Admitted, Funded Transfer Student Who Faked Transcript - The Tech . Imagine if Yale did not look into his transcript after a couple of errors, he could have been sitting at Yale with a $32K scholarship and not a worry. What do you guys feel?</p>
<p>Not that upset. It’s a small enough portion of the applicant pool that it has basically no effect.</p>
<p>I think you’re overestimating how common this is. I’ve applied to 5 colleges and I have literally never touched or interacted with my transcript. A lot of high schools handle transcripts without the student doing anything; I couldn’t have done this even if I wanted to.</p>