How do you get your .edu email address?

<p>My son has a friend who has been accepted to UW and has a .edu email address (name with numbers behind it or similar?? Supposedly the address was sent to him. Maybe my son got a letter? email? and we have just misplaced it? It seems different than his My UW info... right?</p>

<p>Nevermind…I think I figured it out.</p>

<p>For anyone else curious:
Go <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Click activate
In a day or so, you should have access to everything including an email address, Google Apps, Calenday, webspace, and other features.</p>

<p>This is assuming you have already reated a NetID, which if you haven’t you need your campus # or something and need to link it to a NetID.</p>