How do you indicate the score for your TOK essay on the Common App?

The score for the TOK essay is not in number but in letter. How do I do this?

I got an A so I just put a 7? They’ll see it on my high school transcript anyway

Hmm… Since the scores for our TOK and EE are combined and 3 is the highest we can get, shouldn’t it be something like 1 or 2?

oh, I thought the system was being funky so I only listed my 6 subjects… haha

I thought the same too!!! I mean, why the hell would you list all the subjects including EE and TOK without their scores, right?

Oh well…

I didn’t specify it on my common app but I trusted that they would see it in my high school transcript. also, I mentioned my total score in the secondary school leaving examinations section, and they can logically deduce what my TOK/EE total would have been from that.

What’s a TOK/EE? curious

TOK = Theory of Knowledge
EE = Extended essay

These are components of the IB Diploma program which non-IB students don’t need to worry about.

Oh okay I see. Thanks @josh007