<p>You know on the SAT tests they give you where there aren't any answer explanations and they only give the answers, how do you review for them without any explanations? especially for like writing and CR</p>
<p>I mean ,sure, for the really smart people scoring 2300+ already, they might be able to know the answer without explanation after knowing the correct answer and know why the one they chose is wrong, but what about the rest of us? is it possible? how do you do it? thanks</p>
<p>I suggest that you get your hands on a decent set of explanations (say, the one for purchase at TestMasters, not great but not awful). Then, whenever you hit a question that isn’t adequately explained in your practice guide, post about it here, or go check out the Answers thread for more help.</p>
<p>do u mean the Blue Book consolidated answer thread?
Well, im talking about real SATs that are given out by collegeboard and Q&A’s, etc. (that aren’t part of the Blue Book)</p>
<p>I dont know what testmasters is but im not sure itll have explanations for those kind of SATs…</p>
<p>I usually do exactly what I do if I found a question I didn’t know in the BB. I identify the type of question it is, and then look up the solution in a prep book. If I can’t find it (very, VERY rare), then I post it here.</p>