How do your parents punish you?

<p>^ FTW.</p>

<p>The withering look. I counter it with a disarming one. :D</p>

<p>my parents are the type that will "yell at me" for studying too late (past midnight) I, like sungchul, don't really give them reasons to really punish me... but I do, surprisingly, have a social life.</p>

<p>I don't get "punished" as in being sent to my room or grounded... I just get lectures...long, painful lectures that cut at my self-esteem and so on. Good thing that I have a healthy one and that they don't come often or else it would've crippled me. Go asian parents! BUT... I know my parents love me like nothing else. :) They only want what's best.</p>

<p>SOMEbody gonna get a beating tonight...Russell Peters.</p>

<p>They don't.
They used to. Then I started getting all libertarian on them and claiming to be my own human being and whatnot.
The last time they seriously punished me was the summer of eighth grade, when they were mad at me for spending my time posting on political forums instead of reading this enormous biology textbook in preparation for this summer program. They have never heard the end of it.</p>

<p>mine don't anymore either.</p>

<p>My parents have only punished me once by talking me into my grandmothers house witch is 3 hours from my home. They dont punishe me so much, i like that.</p>

<p>I have never been severely punished. grounding does never work and my parents know it. they have let me take my own decisons and whrn i do wrong i know it and dont do it again they just educate me properly to do right things. life is not about punishment is about doing always right and learning from mistakes. what a fool if you screws up twice. thats my theory.</p>

<p>Turn off my internet, take away my car, ***** to me. That's about it.</p>

Take away my focus pills.


<p>What are your focus pills? ADD drugs? ;)</p>

<p>I rarely get in trouble anymore, so they just make me clean. Now if I back-talked my mom or something,she would kill me. Only in America can a kid tell his/her mother to shut up and still live to tell about it :)</p>

<p>If I did something serious like get suspended or sneak out of the house, they would ship me off to Nigeria so that I can go to boarding school there where the teachers can still beat their students-this has already happened to some friends.
So yeah, I behave myself</p>

<p>they stopped the whole punishing thing a long time ago. Even then, it was really just a slap on the face every one in a while. Nothing too bad. Mostly long lectures on how "you were very disrespectful to us. How could you say/do/think/imply something like that?"...etc.</p>

<p>Now they just try to "teach" me to be like them. To be as "polite and respectful and responsible" as they were when they were my age. Which I hate. My dad's always trying to teach me the value of money and the tricks he learned as a kid to never spend any lol. That's what I hate going through the most.</p>

<p>yeah, i actually get hit ... but that's when i really **** them off.</p>

<p>a little hitting never hurt anybody (okay, maybe it hurts physically). But sometimes it's a last resort. And on the long run, it does more good than bad.
As long as it's in moderation and not over something stupid.</p>

<p>I don't get punished. :]</p>

<p>one of my friends actually hits her mother back and storms out, yet she keeps coming back to open arms. her family is a bit weird.</p>

<p>as for me, i always get the droning lecture... that never ever ends. the one about me being disrespectful and having an attitude. my parents still don't understand sarcasm or irony.</p>

<p>as someone said, threatening to drop a course. and i seriously rofl when my parents...</p>

<p>Erm, long unbearable lectures/fights, grounding (from hanging out with friends or going to debate tournaments/MUN conferences/the like)...</p>

<p>I haven't gotten in trouble to the point where I have gotten grounded since 7th grade (when I smacked my sister and got the computer taken away). Now my parents just yell at me when they need to, which isn't too often.</p>

<p>Probably the most devastating punishment I remember is actually my sister getting in trouble and me receiving the fallout. She had procrastinated this huge project, and my mom went ballistic and made me stay home one night and help her finish it. It was the night our basketball team was in the regional semifinals, and all of our basketball games were VERY exciting. I'm just glad they won that game so I could see them for the regional finals (and the state final four).</p>

<p>^^^that's really awful! poor you.</p>

<p>my parents can be really evil. Like, I got suspended once for the dumbest thing. It was really unfair, and I actually expected them to fight it and defend me. Instead, they thanked the teachers for punishing me well, withdrew me from my lovely private school with its beautiful airy campus and cut me off from my friends for a year. Then they put me in a hellhole of a christian school with a bunch of idiots who paid me to let them copy off my tests, which were the easiest ever. </p>

<p>but otherwise, they're okay. :)</p>