I took AP Biology this year and found it to be quite easy. People often talk about how hard the workload and the test can be, but I had no trouble managing the small workload and the partially difficult test I was given. Maybe I got lucky? Who knows.
I’ve taken everything up til’ pre-calculus so far, which I will be taking next year. I’m considering swapping my humanities class and push it off to junior year to ease up my schedule then (since I know my junior year schedule is going to be pretty heavy as well).
Here’s my schedule so far:
AP U.S. History
AP Capstone: Seminar
Spanish II (Possibly III if I study this summer)
Dual Credit Chemistry (Basically Honors Chemistry)
And here’s the one I’m debating changing -
Humanities --> AP Physics?
My schedule last year was this:
Honors English I
Honors Algebra II
AP Human Geography
AP Biology
Spanish I
I managed it pretty well with a lot of time left over when I came home. I need something to keep me busy since most of my EC’s are on the weekend, up until the spring when tennis starts.
My question is, how does AP Physics 1 compare to AP Biology and how does Physics 1 compare to Physics 2?