How does AP Physics 1 compare to AP Biology?

I took AP Biology this year and found it to be quite easy. People often talk about how hard the workload and the test can be, but I had no trouble managing the small workload and the partially difficult test I was given. Maybe I got lucky? Who knows.
I’ve taken everything up til’ pre-calculus so far, which I will be taking next year. I’m considering swapping my humanities class and push it off to junior year to ease up my schedule then (since I know my junior year schedule is going to be pretty heavy as well).
Here’s my schedule so far:
AP U.S. History
AP Capstone: Seminar
Spanish II (Possibly III if I study this summer)
Dual Credit Chemistry (Basically Honors Chemistry)
And here’s the one I’m debating changing -
Humanities --> AP Physics?

My schedule last year was this:
Honors English I
Honors Algebra II
AP Human Geography
AP Biology
Spanish I

I managed it pretty well with a lot of time left over when I came home. I need something to keep me busy since most of my EC’s are on the weekend, up until the spring when tennis starts.

My question is, how does AP Physics 1 compare to AP Biology and how does Physics 1 compare to Physics 2?

As with any AP, the workload depends upon the teacher, in part. In general, however, I’d say that AP Physics 1 is comparable to AP Physics 2, and that both are less work that AP Bio.

The flip side, though, is that the score distribution for AP Physics 1 skews very heavily to 1’s and 2’s, so you might want to see how past students at your school fared.

I’d like other responses as well. Thanks for yours.

AP Physics is more concept and the exam is brutal, but if you are the type of person who likes those challenges then you should take it. I am taking AP Bio and AP Physics in junior year.

AP physics was hard for me and I didn’t bother taking the exam bc I knew I’d fail. Make sure you have a good teacher. Mine was new and simply not very helpful… I’d compare which teacher is better moreso than which is harder content wise. You’ll probably find out on your own since each student has personal preferences ofc