<p>I know that Cornell has one of the top dining facilities in the nation, but does anyone know how Cornell deals with students with severe food allergies?</p>
<p>I know I could contact them, but I am just wondering if anyone has personal insight on their dining.</p>
<p>All of the potential allergens are listed for every dish served in the dining halls! It makes it very easy to avoid eating things you’re allergic to. Cornell dining really has options for everybody. If you still find you aren’t finding a ton you can eat, you can make an appointment with a nutritionist on campus! More information can be found here: <a href=“Residential Life | Student & Campus Life | Cornell University”>Residential Life | Student & Campus Life | Cornell University;
<p>Thank you @Ranza123</p>
<p>As a freshman at Cornell right now, I can definitely tell you about that… I have a long, long list of severe food allergies, so I met with the nutritionist when I arrived on campus in August. We decided that taking food from the buffet that they have out usually doesn’t work for me because of the risk of cross-contamination (usually they have something out that I can eat, but it may be served right next to something I can’t, and there’s no guarantee that the serving spoon didn’t switch bowls at one point, etc.) So most nights I call over to the dining hall to let them know what time I’m coming at and they prepare a separate meal for me. They have been extremely helpful and supportive, and everything has gone great so far! They really have worked to make sure that I’m comfortable with what I’m eating.</p>
<p>And like Ranza123 said, everything in the dining halls is clearly labelled for the allergens that are included in them (top 8 major allergens only, though), so if that would work better for you, it is certainly an option. </p>
<p>Thanks @cornell2400</p>