<p>How does it get sent to to the colleges after the teachers submit the rec. Problem is my teacher still hasn't finished filling them out yet (is that a problem??).</p>
January 7, 2009, 1:32am
<p>Have you read the instructions on the School Forms section of the Common App?
Prior to submission of your Common Application, you must enter information about your school officials so that they can complete the necessary forms on your behalf as required by the institutions to which you are applying.</p>
<p>STEP 1: Click the ‘Invite Official’ button to add your school officials. You must enter a Counselor (who will complete a number of school forms for you) and at least one Teacher (who will provide a reference for you.) Most institutions require more than one Teacher reference. Note: if you are a home schooled student, please enter your home school supervisor as your counselor.</p>
<p>Once your school officials have been added, they will receive an email inviting them to a secure, online system for completing the necessary forms. Please inform your school officials of this prior to them receiving the email invitation. You will be able to track the status of your school forms submissions below.</p>
<p>You may delete an official using the ‘Delete’ link, so long as the official has not submitted their respective form. You may also re-send the email invitation to a school official by using the ‘Resend’ link.</p>
<p>STEP 2: Assign Teachers to each institution, based on the number of required references. This can be done by selecting a Teacher name from the drop down box next to each institution.
Does that help, or was there something else you wanted to know?</p>
<p>Do they get automatically sent after the teachers submit?</p>
<p>No, you have to send which recs to send up to the system once the teacher uploads them. For example, if you are required to submit two recs and have three teacher recs, you can choose which one not to send. Pretty nifty if you have a crappy rec.</p>