How does UF view AP scores?

<p>For example does scoring a 3-5 allow you to exempt and introductory course or does your score correlate to the grade?</p>

<p>For example if I score a 3 on my AP world history and a % on my AP bio
-do they both count as a college credit and/or do I get a C in world history and an A in bio?</p>


<p>It just makes you exempt and gives you a certain amount of credit depending on the course and the score. It doesn’t factor towards your GPA</p>

<p>[This</a> page](<a href=“]This”>Exam Credit < University of Florida) has a list of the courses you get credit for based on the grade you get.</p>

<p>How about AICE credits,is there a page for that?</p>

<p>[url=&lt;a href=“]Here[/url”&gt;Exam Credit < University of Florida]Here[/url</a>] it is.</p>