<p>I'm like paranoid about the whole decision thing...
yes jae6forever did post a very inspiring story, but
as a Catholic, I believe God gifted us with free will
and not predestined fate and think that the belief in a
greater plan is a self-justification... (sorry just my thoughts)</p>
<p>still I'm freaked out by the whole thing b/c I have so many
variables that could go well or wrong..
<p>Asian (-)
Intl. Student (-)
Did not apply for FA (+) for intl.s
Bad junior year grades (-)
Good senior year grades (+)
3 other female citizens from my school applied to CAS (- or +) doubt it's good
Aptitude for English and foreign lang (- or +) Asians..? dunno
etc etc etc...</p>
<p>so I'm like.. maybe adcom will like this and accept me... maybe it won't like this and reject me.. back and forth back and forth</p>
<p>so i'm constantly finding myself scribbling nonsense on my calc hw...</p>
<p>HOW are you guys handling the pressure? the stress?</p>
<p>I can't believe the only way I can vent mine is to do hw...</p>
I just waste time on CC, keep myself busy by doing other college apps and working at my job, and of course...talking to other people in similar situations</p>
<p>I work 30 hours a week plus full time school. I don't have time to stress. The last time I had time to do anything, more than in a 10 minute period, was about three weeks ago. I can't wait until two weeks from now when I will be able to finally sit in front of a wall for two hours and do nothing (it will feel great, trust me).</p>
<p>The stress you get waiting for decisions is nothing compared to finals at Cornell. But about the topic, don't sweat it. It'll all be over soon.</p>
<p>whhaaattt... i heard the finals week at Cornell is hard, but tthhhattt hard?
my god....</p>
<p>scared.... but still I love Cornell soo much I don't caaarrrreeee i'll just worry about it if i get in...</p>
<p>Ummm, handling stress? I guarantee nearly every freshman will be stressed next year. Most people I know have had suicidal thoughts about jumping off the gorge on North, and I'm sure a few people have already tried to kill themselves. Especially if you're in a harder major such as engineering or a science, then your prelim scores will make you want to shoot yourself. of course, you guys should still come to cornell!!</p>
<p>oh wow... nice to hear on the day decisions are released</p>