How good does rigor have to be???

<p>I'm REALLY nervous about my rigor to get into the UW I don't think its good enough. If I pm someone my schedule could you please look over my rigor and see if its rigorous enough to get into the UW??? Thanks!!</p>

<p>A 3.96 UW GPA and Running Start is enough. Chill.</p>

<p>Yeah but my classes wern’t even that good! I only took three AP and two honors!</p>

<p>But UW considers running start to be fairly rigorous, since they involve ‘college classes’.</p>

<p>A lot of my friends found running start to be easier than high school honestly, good deal for them then.</p>

<p>I’ve only done Running Start just now, in my senior year. For grades 9-11, I did regular high school (private) and I am worried that my rigor in that wasn’t good enough</p>

<p>There are friends of mine that have gotten in with 1 AP class, or none at all, with a 3.6-3.8 GPA. </p>

<p>Relax dude.</p>