how good does track/cross country running look on a college app?

<p>hey i would like to know how most colleges look at track/xc. there are people who tell me that it's a great EC and it's good to have a sport. on the other hand, some say that many colleges don't even consider xc or track a sport because it's "just running". i've dedicated a lot (i mean A LOT) of time to running my frosh and soph years. but honestly i lost a lot of interest the spring season of soph year. this past xc season wasn't all that great, but i still managed to get enough points for a varsity letter. in total, right now i have 5.
the thing is, i want to really focus on getting my grades up and studying for SATs this year. my first marking period grades weren't all that great, i think i'm going to need the rest of the year to pull my grades up...
but should i continue with track for winter and spring? i think that if i really don't procrastinate as much i'll be able to. and isn't continuing with a 'sport' a good thing? i'm not really the kind of person who's president of every other club in school, i just have an officer position for many 2 clubs... so yeah it's not like i have amazing ECs.
i'm not a national or state-ranked caliber runner, so i know track/xc will just count as an EC or a sport. but nothing special.</p>

<p>Keep with it.</p>

<p>Unless doing this is dramatically interfering with your grades, it is best to continue. It will really help your application if you can not only show achievement but continuity. In general, for any sports/ec's, colleges are looking for these two things. Definitely keep this up if is not hurting you elsewhere. It can only help your app.</p>

<p>they see it the same as any other sport ec if you aren't recruited or nationally/ high-state ranked</p>