How good is purdue in area of pharmacy?

<p>I am looking to attend a pharmacy school and there are so many :O
how is purdue?</p>

<p>Purdue has many different areas of pharmacy you can go into. First, you must complete two years of prepharm classes. Once you are done with those, you compete (good grades, extracurriculars, etc) to get a place in the pharmacy school itself, competition is stiff. Pharmacy is a 6 year program and pretty tough to get done in those 6 years, a lot of hard work. </p>

<p>I have a son that chose Butler for pharmacy (about an hour from Purdue) because at that time, once you were admitted as a prepharm student you were automatically guaranteed a place in pharmacy school once you got to that third year. I think his grades had to be a .30 or 3.5, not sure. Not sure if Butler is still that way or not.</p>

<p>But yes, back to your original question: how is purdue? Well known in Indiana for putting out great pharmacists and for every 1 pharmacist that graduates you have at least four job offers. With the aging of America there is a real shortage.</p>

<p>Purdue is pretty strong in Pharmacy. I'm applying there myselfas probably my top choice (tied with Butler actually). Those two schools have a 100% job placement rate within 6 months after finisheing the 6th yr. And BTW, the person that posted earlier about still is guarenteed after the 2nd yr if one keeps a 3.0 gpa.</p>

<p>I have to echo the other posters, Purdue pharmacy school is well know and respected in Indiana and many of the top students in the state apply (partly because of cost, Purdue is a state school).
A word of advice from last years admissions sessions: Purdue has a rolling admission by school and the Pharmacy school is one of the first to fill up, usually by mid-November. If you plan on applying, do it early. If the school is full, you can gain admissions to another school, and then try to transfer to the Pharmacy school later, but this is very difficult. So, if you are considering Purdue, apply early.</p>

<p>ok thanks~</p>

<p>While we were there at Day on Campus, I noticed the pharmacy building which looked new and was very pretty.</p>