How hard is it to get a single dorm?

<p>VT is definitely my top choice. I'm a very social person and all, but I would like to have a single dorm while at VT for privacy and such. Is it extremely hard to get single dorms, especially for freshmen? Does VT even have single dorms?</p>

<p>Also if this is relevant, I'm applying as a bio major.</p>

<p>Thanks for the help guys!</p>

<p>I believe all dorms are assigned randomly; with the exception of themed housing. And actually, if your’re going into bio, you may want to consider the Biological Life Sciences & Learning Community; great environment for studying and such.</p>

<p>Single dorms are only given for special circumstances…mostly medical/health issues, I believe. All of which require documentation. I think there are less than 20 on campus, and regardless, they are only for returning students.</p>

<p>Dorm life won’t be as bad as you think. Sure, there’s little privacy, but you get 3 other years if you choose to live off campus to get all the privacy you want.</p>

<p>There’s always the option of rooming with someone you know and get along with. Plus, I’ve found that there’s almost always a time during the day where one roommate would be out of the dorm…either for class, meetings, eating, anything like that.</p>

<p>Room with an architecture student… :)</p>

<p>Like financiallylost said, there’s less than two dozen singles on campus. There’s absolutely no chance that you’re going to get a single.</p>

<p>Dorming is an adventure, if you do it alone, you really detract from a lot of the experience.</p>

<p>Also, make sure to apply for the Leadership program theme housing in Peddrew-Yates. They are without a doubt the best freshman dorms.</p>

<p>Become an RA.</p>